SOARCA is currently in its first release, with ongoing development aimed at expanding its capabilities, improving integration, and enhancing its functionalities. You can track our progress and upcoming milestones on GitHub.
We warmly welcome contributions to our repository. You can find the guidelines for contributing here.
SOARCA, an open-source SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation and Response) tool developed by TNO, is designed be vendor-agnostic, allowing it to orchestrate various security actuators and systems. It is the first open-source SOAR that aims to be compliant with the CACAO v2.0 standard.
SOARCA enables cyber defenders to coordinate and automate their cyber operations, by using executable CACAO playbooks, and aims to achieve the following goals:
Standard Compliance: Adhering to the latest standards, including CACAO v2.0 and OpenC2, allows for interoperability with a wide range of technologies.
Extensibility with Open Interfaces: Enjoy the flexibility of an extensible tool featuring open and well-defined interfaces, promoting adaptability, customization, and experimentation.
Open-Source: Embrace an open-source model that not only offers cost-effective solutions but also supports unrestricted use and adaptation for research purposes.
You can use the following commands to execute the example playbooks via the terminal while SOARCA is running assuming on localhost. Alternatively you can go to http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html and use the trigger/playbook endpoint.
Example playbooks:
# make sure an ssh server is running on adres -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @./example/ssh-playbook.json localhost:8080/trigger/playbook
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @./example/http-playbook.json localhost:8080/trigger/playbook
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @./example/openc2-playbook.json localhost:8080/trigger/playbook
SOARCA reads its configuration from the environment variables or a .env file. An example of a .env is given below:
For more custom and advanced deployment instructions go here.
Docker hub
docker pull cossas/soarca
Building from Source
git clone
make build
cp .env.example .env
2 - Vision & Concepts
The what and why of SOARCA
Context and Background
Security Orchestrator for Advanced Response to Cyber Attacks - SOARCA
Organisations are increasingly automating threat and incident response through playbook driven security workflow orchestration. The essence of this concept is that specific security events trigger a predefined series of response actions that are executed with no or only limited human intervention. These automated workflows are captured in machine-readable security playbooks, which are typically executed by a so called Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) tool. The market for SOAR solutions has matured significantly over the past years and present day products support sophisticated automation workflows and a wide array of integrations with external security tools and data resources. Typically, however, the technology employed is proprietary and not easily adaptable for research and experimentation purposes. SOARCA aims to offer an open-source alternative for such solutions that is free of vendor dependencies and supports standardized formats and technologies where applicable.
SOARCA, TNO’s open-source SOAR, was developed for research and innovation purposes and allows SOC, CERT and CTI professionals to experiment with the concept of playbook driven security automation. It is open and extensible and its interfaces are well-defined and elaborately documented. It also offers native support for two emerging technology standards, both developed and maintained by OASIS Open:
CACAOv2. The Collaborative Automated Course of Action Operations (CACAO) standard provides a common framework and machine-processable schema for security playbooks that are natively interoperable and can be shared and executed across technological and organizational boundaries.
OpenC2. A standardized language for the command and control of cyber defense technologies. In essence it provides a vendor agnostic language and interface through which so called security actuators (e.g. firewalls or IAM solutions) can be reconfigured automatically.
SOARCA is available through TNO’s community platform COSSAS (Community for Open Source Security Automation Software) under the Apache 2.0 license. With its release, TNO aims to drive both the adoption and further development of novel technologies for cyber security automation forward. Here we note that open and accessible SOAR functionality is not only relevant for automation in threat and incident response but also for attack & defense simulations, cyber ranges, digital twinning and other emerging innovations that require orchestration of complex (security oriented) workflows.
At present, SOARCA is in an Alpha release phase and is intended for Proof of Concepts (PoCs) and research purposes, serving as a platform for demonstrations. The objective of the SOARCA team is to evolve SOARCA into a more mature SOAR orchestration tool suitable for operational environments. For potential applications of SOARCA, please refer to the ‘Use-Cases’ section of our documentation.
Core Concepts
Several concepts within SOARCA might be important to know.
Course of Action
A course of action (CoA) refers to a planned sequence of steps or activities taken to achieve a specific cyber security goal. These steps are often collected into “playbooks”. Usually in the form of prose in PDFs, internal wikis, or even scattered throughout emails.
The CACAO Security Playbooks Version 2.0 specification provides a standard for writing executable playbooks. These playbooks are stored in a machine-readable form, allowing them to be (semi-)automatically executed by an orchestration tool.
A CACAO playbook is a structured document that outlines a series of orchestrated actions to address specific security events, incidents, or other security-related activities. These playbooks allow for the automation of security steps.
Examples of repetitive tasks that might be automated using a CACAO Playbook might be:
Investigate the cause of security events.
Mitigate threats effectively.
Remediate vulnerabilities.
By following CACAO playbook specifications, organizations can enhance their automated response capabilities, foster collaboration, and ensure consistency of playbooks across diverse technological solutions.
SOARCA can be extended with custom extensions or rather so-called FIN (inspired by the majestic orca). A fin can be integrated within the SOARCA core. Technical descriptions of the components can be found here. Fins communicate with the SOARCA core using a pre-defined MQTT protocol.
Join the SOARCA Community
The SOARCA team invites cybersecurity professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts to join our community. Explore, adapt, and contribute to SOARCA’s growth. Let’s fortify cyber defenses together! See our contribution guidelines on how to make contributions. 🛡️🌐
Key Details
Project Name: SOARCA (Security Orchestrator for Advanced Response to Cyber Attacks)
SOARCA v1.0 only implements a part of the CACAO v2 spec. Only start, end, action, and if/else steps are supported at this time.
A CACAO playbook is a structured document that outlines a series of orchestrated actions to address specific security events, incidents, or other security-related activities. These playbooks allow for the automation of security steps.
SOARCA is a security orchestrator that reads the steps defined in a CACAO playbook and performs the necessary actions to execute the commands they contain. This makes a CACAO document an executable playbook.
SOARCA’s development is ongoing, and at this time, it only partly supports the entire CACAO specification. On this page we’ll go over the general concepts in a CACAO playbooks and the parts of the standard that are supported by SOARCA.
A CACAO playbook
Here, we have an example of a relatively simple CACAO playbook that demonstrates SOARCA’s capabilities. The flow of steps is depicted in the following image:
As you can see, this playbook contains a mix of logical steps (if-condition and while-condition) and action steps that perform commands on a target system.
Agents and targets
In CACAO playbooks, entities that execute commands are called agents, and the entities against which the commands are executed are called targets (see Agents and Targets in the spec).
Every action step in a CACAO playbook must have a single agent, and one or more targets. Both agents and targets are defined on the playbook level, in the agent_definitions and target_definitions properties. SOARCA will execute action steps that have an agent of the type soarca. The capability that will be selected to execute the step is determined by the name property of the agent. For more information, read the documentation on components.
Every CACAO playbook should start with a start step. From there, each step can define which step should be executed after the current step finishes. Depending on whether the current step has executed successfully, the next step is defined by the on_completion property. A non-successful step execution may instead trigger the workflow_exception step, specified in the playbook properties. Alternatively to on_completion, a step can specify on_success and on_failure, which allow a finer-grain control over the execution flow.
What constitutes a successful step execution and what is a failure depends on the specific capability executing the step.
An if-condition step allows executing different branches depending on a specified condition. The step must specify an on_true property, which references the start of a branch of steps that should be executed if the condition evaluates to true. Optionally, the if-condition step can define an on_false property that defines an alternative branch that is executed if the condition evaluates to false. In each case, the specified branch keeps executing until it encounters an end step.
The condition property contains a string that specifies a STIX Pattern. Currently, SOARCA only supports a very small subsection of the STIX Patterning specification. We support string based equality ('a' = 'a') and inequality ('a' != 'b') comparison. Example:
"if-condition--4b95eaa4-944a-4a9d-88d4-1374a70dbacd": {
"name": "If it is not new years",
"description": "Checks if it is 01-01-2025",
"on_completion": "end--db937fc8-3a42-41cc-b828-ec2db212f425",
"type": "if-condition",
"condition": "__soarca_ssh_result__:value != '01-01-2025'",
"on_true": "action--7fe08053-3685-4d8c-bc0a-40efce75113e"}
SOARCA supports variable interpolation, which means that variables can be used inside the condition property, as seen in the example above.
Similarly, CACAO specifies while-condition steps, whose on_true branch will be repeatedly executed until the condition evaluates to false.
The parallel step allows executing multiple branches (in parallel) specified in the next_steps property. At this time, the steps in next_steps are executed sequentially. Parallel execution is scheduled for a later release in SOARCA.
Next, we explain variables in CACAO and SOARCA.
The CACAO specification allows defining variables on the playbook level, as well as on the step level. Playbook variables are available throughout the playbook. In SOARCA, variables defined on the step level are available in that step, and in any step that executes in a sub-branch of an if-condition, while-condition, or parallel step.
According to the CACAO spec, variable names should start and end with double underscores (__). The CACAO spec allows defining multiple types of variables (strings, ip-addresses, numbers), but at this time SOARCA will interpret every value as a string. The constant and external properties are ignored.
SOARCA supports the interpolation of variables in different strings. The specific string-based properties that support interpolation depend on the capability. In general, string interpolation is supported in the properties of agents, targets, authentication information, and command properties.
Variable interpolation happens at the last possible moment, which means that step-dependant variables can be used in agent and target definitions.
Substitution is performed by replacing any occurrence of [variable_name]:value with the string value of that variable. Undefined variables are not replaced.
Action steps
Within CACAO playbooks, action steps can define commands that are executed by an agent against one or more targets. The agent and targets are referenced by ID. SOARCA selects the internal capability for handling the step by looking at the type and name of the agent. After selecting the proper capability, SOARCA will sequentially perform every command in the commands property for every target specified in targets. If any command fails to execute successfully, further execution is halted and the step is considered to have failed.
Action steps may return variables. On the successful execution of an action step, any variables returned are added to the globally available playbook variables. If the out_args property is specified and non-empty, only the variables listed in out_args will be added to the global playbook variables. The in_args property from the CACAO spec is ignored. Any variable defined on the playbook level, in parent-steps and within the step itself are available for interpolation.
In the case an action step ends in a failure, any variables returned from the step are ignored.
The example below shows how to run an ssh command on a single target system:
Everything you need to install and configure SOARCA
After completing the Getting Started setup for SOARCA, you may find that certain advanced configurations or customizations are necessary to optimize SOARCA for your specific use cases, for example integrating with The Hive. This section provides in-depth guidance on additional steps you can take to enhance, secure, and integrate SOARCA with your infrastructure, ensuring it meets your unique operational needs.
Configuring SOARCA
Set the exposed port of SOARCA. Default is 8080.
Enable TLS for secure communication. Default is false.
Path to the TLS certificate file. Default is "/certs/server.crt".
Path to the TLS certificate key file. Default is "/certs/server.key".
The number of historical executions saved, including the current one. Default is 1000.
Set allowed origins for cross-origin requests. Default is *.
Set the GIN mode. Default is release.
Set if you want to run with an external database. Default is false.
Set the MongoDB URI. Default is mongodb://localhost:27017.
Set the MongoDB database name when using Docker. Default is soarca.
Set the MongoDB database user when using Docker. Default is root.
Set the MongoDB database user password when using Docker. Change this in production! Default is rootpassword.
Set the log level for the playbook API. Default is trace.
Set the maximum number of downstream reporters. Default is 5.
One of the specified log levels. Default is info.
Set the logging mode. If production, LOG_GLOBAL_LEVEL is used for all modules. Default is development.
Path to the logfile for all logging. Default is "" (empty string).
Set the logging format. Either text or json. Default is json.
Enable FINS in SOARCA. Default is false.
The broker address for SOARCA to connect to for communication with FINS. Default is localhost.
The port for the MQTT broker. Default is 1883.
Set whether to skip certificate validation for HTTP connections. Default is false.
Set a custom validation schema to validate playbooks. Default is "" to use the internal schema. Note: Changing this can heavily impact performance.
The Hive
Enable integration with The Hive. Default is false.
Set the API token for The Hive integration.
Set the base URL for The Hive API. Default is "".
More information on setting up authentication can be found here.
Enable authentication. Default is false.
The OIDC issuer URL.
Set the OIDC client ID.
Set the OIDC client secret.
Set the OIDC redirect URL.
Optional: Secret key for cookies. Generate using openssl rand -base64 32 or `head -c 32 /dev/urandom
Set whether to skip TLS verification. Default is true.
Specify the group users must belong to for authentication against SOARCA.
3.1 - Setup RBAC for SOARCA
Setup OIDC based Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for SOARCA
Authentication is disabled by default in SOARCA. This means that when SOARCA is launched with its default configuration and exposed to a network, anyone can interact with it. Since SOARCA requires significant capabilities and access to reconfigure systems, exposing it without authentication poses a security risk. This section outlines how to set up authentication and authorization for SOARCA.
SOARCA leverages our internally developed gauth library as its underlying authentication framework. This library provides convenient Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) middleware, which manages authentication for various endpoints, such as the Playbook API. Based on OpenID Connect (OIDC), the library supports integration with multiple authentication providers.
Currently, for the used gauth library the Authentik authentication provider, an open-source solution that supports a wide range of authentication methods is supported and tested. As such other OIDC-based providers might not be compatible.
Next, we need to obtain variables such as OIDC_ISSUER etc. This section will describe how we can setup Authentik.
Spinning up Authentik
Instruction and docker-compose on how to bundle SOARCA with Authentik will come!
Making an authentication provider
In Authentik first setup a new provider. This can be done under Applications -> Providers ->Create. For the provider type select the OAuth2/OpenID provider from the various options. An example configuration is given below:
We use an token lifetime of 8 hours, since the SOARCA-GUI uses this token for client validation. As we do not want the user to login every so minute. It is advised to set this to 8 hours.
Next, we need to set in the advanced protocol settings the token expiration lifetime needs to be changed to 8 hours.
Endpoints for the auth provider can also be found here:
Making an application
Next, we can create a new application as shown in the picture below. A new application can be added under Applications –> Create Add the earlier made provider to this application.
Setting the authentication provider
Next, under providers -> soarca-auth-provider -> edit we can find the following overview:
Here we can find the:
Client ID: some random stuff
Client Secret: some other random stuff
Redirect Url: Optional, should be set when using for the SOARCA-GUI explained [here]
We only use the Authentik integration for token validation on the SOARCA side. As such, only the OIDC_CLIENT_ID is required here. For the SOARCA-GUI, we would need the OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET.
It is not advised to run Authentik like this! Please setup TLS certificates in a real environment and set the OIDC_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY to false.
Set these variables in the environment variables settings, for example:
Again, for the current version of the implementation we only support one group to differentiate between access to the different endpoint. We plan for a later version of SOARCA to have different groups/permissions for a given API endpoint.
For the current version of SOARCA and the gauth library the access to the API for a given user is dependent on the required set AUTH_GROUP. Users are required to be in the same group as the group that has been set through this variable. Currently, there is not yet control over which group can access a specific API or route grooup. This feature is scheduled for a future version of SOARCA. In the example below, the AUTH_GROUP: soarca_admin is set.
Next, we require to setup a group in Authentik that is called soarca_admin as explained earlier. The to be obtained tokens from Authentik needs to have this group information as this will be checked by the middleware. A group can be created under Directory -> Groups -> New.
Under users normal as as service accounts can be created. We advise for machine-to-machine implementation service accounts, and for normal users (used for example for SOARCA-GUI logins) normal accounts. Now we can make an users and add to the soarca_admin group. Make use under the application that this group is added to the application provider that we have setup earlier, otherwise the grants of token might fail.
Authentication with Bearer
Now that authentication and authorization is enabled, every request requires to have a set Authorization: Bearer <token> header.
The gauth library will validate this bearer token against the setup Authentik provider and grant the user or application access. Replace the token with a working bearer token.
For obtaining an access (bearer) token for Authentik, we have provided an example here
This page contains the Swagger documentation of the SOARCA REST API.
5 - Extensions & Capabilities
Extending SOARCA is done by developing a SOARCA-Fin.
SOARCA V.1.0.X implements currently the following native capabilities: HTTP capability, OpenC2 capability, SSH capability and PowerShell (WINRM). Other core capabilities are part of our milestones which can be found here.
SOARCA features a set of native capabilities. The HTTP, OpenC2 HTTP, and SSH transport mechanisms are supported by the first release of SOARCA. SOARCA’s capabilities can be extended with custom implementations, which is further discussed on this page.
Extending the native capabilities
The native capabilities supported by SOARCA can be extended through a mechanism we named Fins. Your capability can be integrated with SOARCA by implementing the Fin protocol. This protocol regulates communication between SOARCA and the extension capabilities over an MQTT bus.
MQTT is a lightweight messaging protocol with libraries written in various programming languages. To integrate with SOARCA, you can write your own implementation of the Fin protocol, or use our python or golang libraries for easier integration.
Fin protocol
The underlying protocol for the SOARCA fins can be found here.
5.1 - Fin Python Library
Documentation of the Python Fin library
For the documentation about the Fin protocol we refer to documention page of SOARCA Fin Protocol.
Quick Start
To include the SOARCA Fin library, you can use the following command to install it via pip:
pip install soarca-fin-library
An example on how to use the library is given below.
For more examples and the source code, we will refer to the Github page of the SOARCA-Fin-python-library, where we provide /examples folder.
The main object of the application is the SoarcaFin object, which is responsible for configuring and creating and controlling the capabilities.
The SoarcaFin creates MQTTClients for each capability registered, plus one for registering, unregistering and controlling the fi itself.
MQTTClients each have their own connection to the MQTT Broker and own Parser and Executor objects.
The Parser object parsers the raw MQTT messages and tries to convert them to one of the objects in src/models.
The Executor runs in their own thread and handles the actual execution of the messages.
The Executor polls a thread-safe queue for new messages and performs IO operations, such as sending messages to the MQTT broker and calling capability callbacks.
Setup SOARCA Capabilities
To register a fin to SOARCA, first create a SoarcaFin object and pass the fin_id in the constructor. The SOARCA fin_id must be in the format of: sourca-fin-<capability>-<uuid4>.
Call set_config_MQTT_server() to set the required configurations for the fin to connect to the MQTT broker.
For each capability to be registered, call create_fin_capability(). The capability callback funtion should return an object of type ResultStructure.
When all capabilities are initialized, call start_fin() for the SOARCA Fin to connect to the MQTT broker and register itself to SOARCA.
An example is given in this project in the file [examples/]
Class Overview
Sequence Diagrams
Bugs or Contributing
Want to contribute to this project? It is possible to contribute here.
Have you found a bug or want to request a feature? Please create an issue here.
5.2 - Fin protocol
Specification of the SOARCA Fin protocol
The goal of the protocol is to provide a simple and robust way to communicate between the SOARCA orchestrator and the capabilities (Fins) that can provide extra functions.
To allow for dynamic communication MQTT is used to provide the backbone for the fin communication. SOARCA can be configured using the environment to use MQTT or just run stand-alone.
The Fin will use the protocol to register itself to SOARCA via the register message. Once register, it will communicate over the channel new channel designated by the fin UUID.
Commands to a specific capability will be communicated of the capability UUID channel.
Messages defined in the protocol
|field |content |type |description
|field name have the (optional) key if the field is not required |content indication |type of the value could be string, int etc. |A description for the field to provide extra information and context
The ack message is used to acknowledge messages.
The ack message type
message id that the ack is referring to
The nack message is used to non acknowledgements, message was unimplemented or unsuccessful.
The ack message type
message id that the nack is referring to
The message is used to register a fin to SOARCA. It has the following payload.
The register message type
Message UUID
Fin uuid separate form the capability id
Fin name
Version information of the protocol in semantic version schema e.g. 1.2.4-beta
The cacao variable type see CACAO V2 chapter 10.18, 10.18.4 Variable Type Vocabulary
Name of the variable this must be the same as the key on the map
Description of the variable
Value of the variable
true or false
whether it is constant
true or false
whether it is external to the playbook
CACAO playbook context information structure
completed_on (optional)
<utc-timestamp-nanoes + timezone-offset>
generated_on (optional)
<utc-timestamp-nanoes + timezone-offset>
timeout (optional)
<utc-timestamp-nanoes + timezone-offset>
Step uuid that is referred to
Playbook uuid that is referred to
SOARCA execution uuid
Meta information for the fin protocol structure
<utc-timestamp-nanoes + timezone-offset>
Step uuid that is referred to
Registering a capability
Sending command
Unregistering a capability
5.3 - Native capabilities
Capabilities and transport mechanisms baked right into SOARCA
This page contains a list of capabilities that are natively implemented in SOARCA see details here. For MQTT-message-based capabilities, check here.
OpenC2 capability
The OpenC2 HTTP capability uses the http(s) transport layer as specified in OpenC2 HTTPS. It allows executing actions on an OpenC2-compatible security actuator.
SOARCA Core: This is the heart of SOARCA, represented in green.
SOARCA Native Capabilities: These are the functionalities explicitly defined in the Cacao v2 specification and are integral to the core. They are also represented in green.
Fins: These are the extension capabilities, also known as Fins. They enhance the functionality and integration of SOARCA and are depicted in orange. These are not (yet) part of this repository, but may be implemented by partners or TNO in the future.
Core component overview
SOARCA interacts with many components, the following diagram shows the intended setup for SOARCA and its components. Currently, not all parts are fully implemented. Keep track of the release notes to see what’s implemented and what needs some work.
6.1 - Application design
Details of the application architecture for SOARCA
Design decisions and core dependencies
To allow for fast execution and type-safe development SOARCA is developed in go. The application application can be deployed in Docker. Further dependencies are MQTT for the module system and go-gin for the REST API.
The overview on this page is aimed to guide you through the SOARCA architecture and components as well as the main flow.
Components of SOARCA are displayed in the component diagram.
Green is implemented
Orange has limited functionality
Red is not started but will be added in future releases
This diagram consists of the class structure used by SOARCA
The SOARCA controller will create all classes needed by SOARCA. The controller glues the api and decomposer together. Each run will instantiate a new decomposer.
Main application flow
These sequences will show a simplified overview of how the SOARCA components interact.
The main flow of the application is the following. Execution will start by processing the JSON formatted CACAO playbook if successful the playbook is handed over to the Decomposer. This is where the playbook is decomposed into its parts and passed step by step to the executor. These operations will block the API until execution is finished. For now, no variables are exposed via the API to the caller.
A natural language explanation of the current status or related info
The entity executed the workflow step. This can be an organization, a team, a role, a defence component, etc.
list of base64
list of string
A list of Base64 encodings of the commands that were invoked during the execution of a workflow step, including any values stemming from variables. These are the actual commands executed.
Error raised along the execution of the step
cacao variables
Map of cacao variables handled in the step (both in and out) with current values and definitions
This property identifies if the workflow step was executed manually or automatically. It is either true or false.
The workflow step was executed successfully (completed).
The workflow step failed.
The workflow step is in progress.
A server-side error occurred.
A client-side error occurred.
A timeout error occurred. The timeout of a CACAO workflow step is specified in the “timeout” property.
A exception condition error ocurred. A CACAO playbook can incorporate an exception condition at the playbook level and, in particular, with the “workflow_exception” property.
If the execution has completed and no further steps need to be executed
with payload:
6.4 - Manual API Description
Descriptions for the SOARCA manual interaction REST API endpoints
Map of cacao variables handled in the step out args with current values and definitions
404/Not found with payload:
General error
POST /manual/continue
Respond to manual command pending in SOARCA, if out_args are defined they must be filled in and returned in the payload body. Only value is required in the response of the variable. You can however return the entire object. If the object does not match the original out_arg, the call we be considered as failed.
Call payload
The type of this content
The id of the execution
The id of the CACAO playbook executed by the execution
The id of the step executed by the execution
success indicates successfull fulfilment of the manual request. failure indicates failed satisfaction of the request
cacao variables
Map of cacao variables names to cacao variable struct. Only name, type, and value are mandatory
200/OK with payload:
Generic execution information
400/BAD REQUEST with payload:
General error
6.5 - Decomposer
Playbook deconstructor architecture
Decomposer structure
The decomposer will parse playbook objects to individual steps. This allows it to schedule new executor tasks.
Each incoming playbook will executed individually. Decomposing is done up to the step level.
SOARCA 1.0.x will only support steps of type action
Interface for interfacing with the Executor this will in turn select and execute the command on the right module or fin.
Execution details
The struct contains the details of the execution (execution id which is created for every execution) and the playbook id. The combination of these is unique.
Decomposition of playbook
6.6 - Executer
Design of the SOARCA step executer
The executor consists of the following components.
Action executor
Playbook action executor
if-condition executor
while-condition executor
parallel executor
The decomposer interacts with every executor type. They all have separate interfaces to handle new step types in the future without changing the current interfaces.
Action executor
The action executor consist of the following components
The capability selector
Native capabilities (command executors)
MQTT capability to interact with: Fin capabilities (third-party executors)
The capability selector will select the implementation which is capable of executing the incoming command. There are native capabilities based on the CACAO command-type-ov:
Currently implemented
Coming soon
Future (potentially)
Native capabilities
The executor will select a module that is capable of executing the command and pass the details to it. The capability selection is performed based on the agent type (see Agent and Target Common Properties in the CACAO 2.0 spec). The convention is that the agent type must equal soarca-<capability identifier>, e.g. soarca-ssh or soarca-openc2-http.
The result of the step execution will be returned to the decomposer. A result can be either output variables or error status.
MQTT executor -> Fin capabilities
The Executor will put the command on the MQTT topic that is offered by the module. How a module handles this is described in the module documentation and in the fin documentation.
Component overview
Example execution for SSH commands with SOARCA native capability.
Playbook action executor
The playbook executor handles execution of playbook action steps. The variables from the top level playbook are injected into the be executed playbook.
It could happen that in the downstream playbook the variables collide with the top level playbook. In this case the top level playbook variables are NOT transferred to the downstream playbook. Agents and Targets cannot be transferred between playbooks at this time. Playbooks are only loaded in the executor and then a new Decomposer is created to execute the playbook.
The result of the step execution will be returned to the decomposer. A result can be either output variables or error status.
The result of the condition evaluation comparison will be returned to the decomposer. The result will determine the ID of the next step that should be executed, and/or error status.
The parallel executor will execute the parallel step. This will be done in sequence to simplify implementation. As parallel steps must not depend on each other, sequential execution is possible. Later this will be changed.
6.7 - Executer Modules
Native executer modules
Executer modules are part of the SOARCA core. Executer modules perform the actual commands in CACAO playbook steps.
Native modules in SOARCA
The following capability modules are currently defined in SOARCA:
The capability will be selected based on the agent in the CACAO playbook step. The agent should be of type soarca and have a name corresponding to soarca-[capability name].
SSH capability
This capability executes SSH Commands on the specified targets.
This capability support User Authentication using the user-auth type. For SSH authentication username/password is authentication supported.
Success and failure
The SSH step is considered successful if a proper connection to each target can be initialized, the supplied command executes without error, and returns with zero exit status.
In every other circumstance the step is considered to have failed.
This module does not define specific variables as input, but variable interpolation is supported in the command and target definitions. It has the following output variables:
"__soarca_ssh_result__": {
"type": "string",
"value": "<stdout of the last command>" }
The command is considered to have successfully completed if a successful HTTP response is returned from each target. An HTTP response is successful if it’s response code is in the range 200-299.
This capability supports variable interpolation in the command, port, authentication info, and target definitions.
The result of the step is stored in the following output variables:
It supports the same authentication mechanisms as the HTTP-API capability.
Success and failure
Any successful HTTP response from an OpenC2 compliant endpoint (with a status code in the range 200-299) is considered a success. Connection failures and HTTP responses outside the 200-299 range are considered a failure.
It supports variable interpolation in the command, headers, and target definitions.
The result of the step is stored in the following output variables:
It supports the username, password authentication mechanism.
Success and failure
Any successful command will have a __soarca_powershell_result__. If an error occurs on the target a __soarca_powershell_error__ populated will be returned and Error will be set.
It supports variable interpolation in the command, headers, and target definitions.
The result of the step is stored in the following output variables:
This capability executes Caldera Abilities on the specified targets by creating an operation on a separate Caldera server.
The server is packaged in the docker build of SOARCA, but can also be provided separably as a stand-alone server.
Success and failure
The Caldera step is considered successful if a connection to the Caldera server can be established, the ability, if supplied as b64command, can be created on the server, an operation can be started on the specified group and adversary, and the operation finished without errors.
In every other circumstance the step is considered to have failed.
This module does not define specific variables as input, but variable interpolation is supported in the command and target definitions. It has the following output variables:
This capability executes manual Commands and provides them natively through the SOARCA api, though other integrations are possible.
The manual capability will allow an operator to interact with a playbook. It could allow one to perform a manual step that could not be automated, enter a variable to the playbook execution or a combination of these operations.
The manual step should provide a timeout. SOARCA will by default use a timeout of 10 minutes. If a timeout occurs, the step is considered as failed.
Manual capability architecture
In essence, executing a manual command involves the following actions:
A message, the command of a manual command, is posted somewhere, somehow, together with the variables of which values is expected to be assigned or updated (if any).
The playbook execution stops, waiting for something to respond to the message with the variables values.
Once something replies, the variables are streamed inside the playbook execution and handled accordingly.
It should be possible to post a manual command message anywhere and in any way, and allow anything to respond back. Hence, SOARCA adopts a flexible architecture to accomodate different ways of manual interactions. Below a view of the architecture.
When a playbook execution hits an Action step with a manual command, the ManualCapability will queue the instruction into the CapabilityInteraction module. The module does essentially three things:
it stores the status of the manual command, and implements the SOARCA API interactions with the manual command.
If manual integrations are defined for the SOARCA instance, the CapabilityInteraction module notifies the manual integration modules, so that they can handle the manual command in turn.
It waits for the manual command to be satisfied either via SOARCA APIs, or via manual integrations. The first to respond amongst the two, resolves the manual command. The resolution of the command may or may not assign new values to variables in the playbook. Finally the CapabilityInteraction module replies to the ManualCommand module.
Ultimately the ManualCapability then completes its execution, having eventually updated the values for the variables in the outArgs of the command. Timeouts or errors are handled opportunely.
The default and internally-supported way to interact with the manual step is through SOARCA’s manual api.
Besides SOARCA’s manual api, SOARCA is designed to allow for configuration of additional ways that a manual command should be executed. In particular, there can be one manual integration (besides the native manual APIs) per running SOARCA instance.
Integration’s code should implement the IInteractionIntegrationNotifier interface, returning the result of the manual command execution in form of an InteractionIntegrationResponse object, into the respective channel.
The diagram below displays in some detail the way the manual interactions components work.
Note that whoever resolves the manual command first, whether via the manualAPI, or a third party integration, then the command results are returned to the workflow execution, and the manual command is removed from the pending list. Hence, if a manual command is resolved e.g. via the manual integration, a postContinue API call for that same command will not go through, as the command will have been resolved already, and hence removed from the registry of pending manual commands.
The diagram below shows instead what happens when a timeout occurs for the manual command.
Success and failure
In SOARCA the manual step is considered successful if a response is made through the manual api, or an integration. The manual command can specify a timeout, but if none is specified SOARCA will use a default timeout of 10 minutes. If a timeout occurs the step is considered as failed and SOARCA will return an error to the decomposer.
This module does not define specific variables as input, but it requires one to use out_args if an operator want to provide a response to be used later in the playbook.
This module is used by SOARCA to communicate with fins (capabilities) see fin documentation for more information
6.8 - Database
Database details of SOARCA
OARCA Database architecture, SOARCA makes use of MongoDB It is used to store and retrieve playbooks. Later it will also store individual steps.
SOARCA employs separate collections in Mongo, utilizing a dedicated database object for each of them:
Getting data
Getting playbook data
Writing playbook data
Update playbook data
Delete playbook data
Handling an error
6.9 - Reporter
Reporting of Playbook worfklow information and steps execution
SOARCA utilizes push-based reporting to provide information on the instantiation of a CACAO workflow, and information on the execution of workflow steps.
General Reporting Architecture
For the execution of a playbook, a Decomposer and invoked Executors are injected with a Reporter. The Reporter maintains the reporting logic that reports execution information to a set of specified and available targets.
A reporting target can be internal to SOARCA, such as a Cache. A reporting target can also be a third-party tool, such as an external SOAR/ SIEM, or incident case management system.
Upon execution trigger for a playbook, information about the chain of playbook steps to be executed will be pushed to the targets via dedicated reporting classes.
Along the execution of the workflow steps, the reporting classes will dynamically update the steps execution information such as output variables, and step execution success or failure.
The reporting features will enable the population and updating of views and data concerning workflow composition and its dynamic execution results. This data can be transmitted to SOARCA internal reporting components such as a cache, as well as to third-party tools.
The schema below represents the architecture concept.
The reporting logic and extensibility is implemented in the SOARCA architecture by means of reporting interfaces. At this stage, we implement an IWorkflowReporter to push information about the entire workflow to be executed, and an IStepReporter to push step-specific information as the steps of the workflow are executed.
A high level Reporter component will implement both interfaces, and maintain the list of DownStreamRepporters activated for the SOARCA instance. The Reporter class will invoke all reporting functions for each active reporter. The Executer and Decomposer components will be injected each with the Reporter though, as interface of respectively workflow reporter, and step reporter, to keep the reporting scope separated.
The DownStream reporters will implement push-based reporting functions specific for the reporting target, as shown in the IDownStreamReporter interface. Internal components to SOARCA, and third-party tool reporters, will thus implement the IDownStreamReporter interface.
Future plans
At this stage, third-party tools integrations may be built in SOARCA via packages implementing reporting logic for the specific tools. Alternatively, third-party tools may implement pull-based mechanisms (via the API) to get information from the execution of a playbook via SOARCA.
In the near future, we will (also) make available a SOARCA Report API that can establish a WebSocket connection to a third-party tool. As such, this will thus allow SOARCA to push execution updates as they come to third-party tools, without external tools having to poll SOARCA.
Native Reporters
SOARCA implements internally reporting modules to handle database and caches reporting.
Cache reporter
The Cache reporter mediates between decomposer and executors, database, and reporting APIs. As DownStreamReporter, the Cache stores workflow and step reports in-memory for an ongoing execution. As IExecutionInformant, the Cache provides information to the reporting API. The schema below shows how it is positioned in the SOARCA architecture.
The Cache thus reports the execution information downstream both in the database, and in memory. Upon execution information requests from the /reporter API, the cache can provide information fetching either from memory, or querying the database.
6.10 - Logging
SOARCA support extensive logging. Logging is based on the logrus framework.
SOARCA supports extensive logging. Logging is based on the logrus framework.
Logging can be done in different formats suitable for your application. The following formats are available:
JSON default
Plain text
std::out default (terminal)
To file (to log file path)
Log levels
SOARCA supports the following log levels. Also is indicated how they are used.
PANIC (non fixable error system crash)
FATAL (non fixable error, restart would fix)
ERROR (operation went wrong but can be caught by other higher component)
WARNING (let the user know some operation might not have the expected result but execution can continue on normal path)
INFOdefault (let the user know that a major event has occurred)
DEBUG (add some extra detail to normal execution paths)
TRACE (get some fine grained detail from the logging)
Types of logging
SOARCA will log different information, these will be combined in the same output.
Runtime logging
Runtime logging wil include the running state of SOARCA, errors encountered when registering modules etc.
Security event logging
Will log the status of the execution of an playbook, database updates of playbooks
Using the logger (developer)
To use SOARCA logging you can add the following to your module.
type YourModule struct {
var component = reflect.TypeOf(YourModule{}).PkgPath()
var log *logger.Log
funcinit() {
log = logger.Logger(component, logger.Info, "", logger.Json)
Changing log level
To change logging for your SOARCA instance you can use the following environment variables
[Log levels]
One of the specified log levels. Defaults to info
development | production
If production is chosen the LOG_GLOBAL_LEVEL is used for all modules defaults to production
Path to the logfile you want to use for all logging. Defaults to "" (empty string)
text | json
The logging can be in plain text format or in JSON format. Defaults to json
This can be set as environment variables or loaded through the .env
SOARCA finds its home within the Community for Open Source Security Automation Software (COSSAS). COSSAS offers a continuously expanding base of novel software components for cyber security automation that SOC, CERT and CTI professionals can deploy and trial in their operational environments. COSSAS is an initiative of TNO.
About TNO
SOARCA is a project initiated and supported by TNO, the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research. TNO, an independent research, development, and consultancy organization in the Netherlands, is dedicated to driving innovation for a safer, healthier, and more sustainable life. TNO focuses on areas such as sustainability, health, safety, and digital transformation. Its mission is to make knowledge serve the common good, connecting expertise to create impactful innovations. TNO actively engages with society, aiming for a positive impact through its work and insights. Learn more about TNO on their official website.
Core Team
Maarten de Kruijf (TNO)
Jan-Paul Konijn (TNO)
Hidde-Jan Jongsma (TNO)
Luca Morgese (TNO)
Richard Kerkdijk (TNO)
Frank Fransen (TNO)
Shari Finner (TNO)
Special Thanks
A special thanks to:
Sebastiaan Huskins for laying the initial and technical foundation for SOARCA.
Myla Fransen for the logo designs.
David Roefs as part of the AInception team
This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Energy Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101075665 (eFORT project) and the European Defence Fund (EDF) under Grant Agreement No. 101103385 (AInception project). Views and opinions expressed are those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
8 - Contribution Guidelines
How to contribute to SOARCA
SOARCA is an open-source project written in Golang and we love getting patches and contributions, and feature suggestions to make SOARCA and its docs even better. We welcome participation from anyone, regardless of their affiliation with OASIS. We invite constructive contributions and feedback from all contributors, following the standard practices for participation in GitHub public repository projects.
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8.1 - Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
Our Pledge
We, as contributors and maintainers, pledge to make participation in our project and community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
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This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 2.1, available at here
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9 - Release Notes
Finally, the first release of the alpha release of SOARCA is here! In the first release, we emphasize laying the initial foundation and design of SOARCA to enable proof-of-concept demonstrations. Included in this release:
Execution of CACAO action steps via:
Logging capabilities
Efficient storage for playbooks
Design fin-protocol: the protocol description between SOARCA and the TO BE ADDED
10 - Frequently asked questions
General questions
Does SOARCA have a GUI?
SOARCA currently does not feature a GUI for tracking the progress of playbook execution. To edit CACAO v2.0 playbooks, consider using the CACAO Roaster project.