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Vision & Concepts

The what and why of SOARCA

Context and Background

Security Orchestrator for Advanced Response to Cyber Attacks​ - SOARCA

Organisations are increasingly automating threat and incident response through playbook driven security workflow orchestration. The essence of this concept is that specific security events trigger a predefined series of response actions that are executed with no or only limited human intervention. These automated workflows are captured in machine-readable security playbooks, which are typically executed by a so called Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) tool. The market for SOAR solutions has matured significantly over the past years and present day products support sophisticated automation workflows and a wide array of integrations with external security tools and data resources. Typically, however, the technology employed is proprietary and not easily adaptable for research and experimentation purposes. SOARCA aims to offer an open-source alternative for such solutions that is free of vendor dependencies and supports standardized formats and technologies where applicable.

SOARCA, TNO’s open-source SOAR, was developed for research and innovation purposes and allows SOC, CERT and CTI professionals to experiment with the concept of playbook driven security automation. It is open and extensible and its interfaces are well-defined and elaborately documented. It also offers native support for two emerging technology standards, both developed and maintained by OASIS Open:

  • CACAOv2. The Collaborative Automated Course of Action Operations (CACAO) standard provides a common framework and machine-processable schema for security playbooks that are natively interoperable and can be shared and executed across technological and organizational boundaries.
  • OpenC2. A standardized language for the command and control of cyber defense technologies. In essence it provides a vendor agnostic language and interface through which so called security actuators (e.g. firewalls or IAM solutions) can be reconfigured automatically.

SOARCA is available through TNO’s community platform COSSAS (Community for Open Source Security Automation Software) under the Apache 2.0 license. With its release, TNO aims to drive both the adoption and further development of novel technologies for cyber security automation forward. Here we note that open and accessible SOAR functionality is not only relevant for automation in threat and incident response but also for attack & defense simulations, cyber ranges, digital twinning and other emerging innovations that require orchestration of complex (security oriented) workflows.

Slide: © 2024 TNO

Current state of SOARCA

At present, SOARCA is in an Alpha release phase and is intended for Proof of Concepts (PoCs) and research purposes, serving as a platform for demonstrations. The objective of the SOARCA team is to evolve SOARCA into a more mature SOAR orchestration tool suitable for operational environments. For potential applications of SOARCA, please refer to the ‘Use-Cases’ section of our documentation.

Core Concepts

Several concepts within SOARCA might be important to know.

Course of Action

A course of action (CoA) refers to a planned sequence of steps or activities taken to achieve a specific cyber security goal. These steps are often collected into “playbooks”. Usually in the form of prose in PDFs, internal wikis, or even scattered throughout emails.

CACAO Playbooks: Streamlining Cybersecurity Operations

The CACAO Security Playbooks Version 2.0 specification provides a standard for writing executable playbooks. These playbooks are stored in a machine-readable form, allowing them to be (semi-)automatically executed by an orchestration tool.

A CACAO playbook is a structured document that outlines a series of orchestrated actions to address specific security events, incidents, or other security-related activities. These playbooks allow for the automation of security steps.

Examples of repetitive tasks that might be automated using a CACAO Playbook might be:

  • Investigate the cause of security events.
  • Mitigate threats effectively.
  • Remediate vulnerabilities.

By following CACAO playbook specifications, organizations can enhance their automated response capabilities, foster collaboration, and ensure consistency of playbooks across diverse technological solutions.

More information can be found in our primer on playbooks.

SOARCA Fin(s): Extending the core capabilities

SOARCA can be extended with custom extensions or rather so-called FIN (inspired by the majestic orca). A fin can be integrated within the SOARCA core. Technical descriptions of the components can be found here. Fins communicate with the SOARCA core using a pre-defined MQTT protocol.

Join the SOARCA Community

The SOARCA team invites cybersecurity professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts to join our community. Explore, adapt, and contribute to SOARCA’s growth. Let’s fortify cyber defenses together! See our contribution guidelines on how to make contributions. 🛡️🌐

Key Details

  • Project Name: SOARCA (Security Orchestrator for Advanced Response to Cyber Attacks)
  • License: Apache 2.0
  • Release Date: March 2024

1 - Executable playbooks

A playbook primer

SOARCA is build on top of the CACAO Security Playbook Version 2.0 standard.

A CACAO playbook is a structured document that outlines a series of orchestrated actions to address specific security events, incidents, or other security-related activities. These playbooks allow for the automation of security steps.

SOARCA is a security orchestrator that reads the steps defined in a CACAO playbook and performs the necessary actions to execute the commands they contain. This makes a CACAO document an executable playbook.

SOARCA’s development is ongoing, and at this time, it only partly supports the entire CACAO specification. On this page we’ll go over the general concepts in a CACAO playbooks and the parts of the standard that are supported by SOARCA.

A CACAO playbook

Here, we have an example of a relatively simple CACAO playbook that demonstrates SOARCA’s capabilities. The flow of steps is depicted in the following image:

Example playbook flow

The JSON of this CACAO playbook can be found at the bottom of this page.

As you can see, this playbook contains a mix of logical steps (if-condition and while-condition) and action steps that perform commands on a target system.

Agents and targets

In CACAO playbooks, entities that execute commands are called agents, and the entities against which the commands are executed are called targets (see Agents and Targets in the spec).

Every action step in a CACAO playbook must have a single agent, and one or more targets. Both agents and targets are defined on the playbook level, in the agent_definitions and target_definitions properties. SOARCA will execute action steps that have an agent of the type soarca. The capability that will be selected to execute the step is determined by the name property of the agent. For more information, read the documentation on components.

"target_definitions": {
    "linux--b49069c2-0b69-4a46-8509-80196c4a9bf8": {
      "type": "linux",
      "name": "Target system",
      "description": "System to execute commands on",
      "address": {
        "ipv4": [

Start and end steps

Every CACAO playbook should start with a start step. From there, each step can define which step should be executed after the current step finishes. Depending on whether the current step has executed successfully, the next step is defined by the on_completion property. A non-successful step execution may instead trigger the workflow_exception step, specified in the playbook properties. Alternatively to on_completion, a step can specify on_success and on_failure, which allow a finer-grain control over the execution flow.

What constitutes a successful step execution and what is a failure depends on the specific capability executing the step.

Example of a start step:

"start--d6c44626-c9b6-426b-ad5d-3311bafaf068": {
    "on_completion": "action--4b08af84-3741-48ca-8c92-df1557a87379",
    "type": "start"

According to the CACAO specification, every branch of steps should end in a (unique) end step. This is the only step type may not specify a next step:

"end--60fc8d0c-3677-4363-8576-9ea9014f8c8e": {
    "type": "end"

If-condition, while-condition, and parallel steps

An if-condition step allows executing different branches depending on a specified condition. The step must specify an on_true property, which references the start of a branch of steps that should be executed if the condition evaluates to true. Optionally, the if-condition step can define an on_false property that defines an alternative branch that is executed if the condition evaluates to false. In each case, the specified branch keeps executing until it encounters an end step.

The condition property contains a string that specifies a STIX Pattern. Currently, SOARCA only supports a very small subsection of the STIX Patterning specification. We support string based equality ('a' = 'a') and inequality ('a' != 'b') comparison. Example:

"if-condition--4b95eaa4-944a-4a9d-88d4-1374a70dbacd": {
    "name": "If it is not new years",
    "description": "Checks if it is 01-01-2025",
    "on_completion": "end--db937fc8-3a42-41cc-b828-ec2db212f425",
    "type": "if-condition",
    "condition": "__soarca_ssh_result__:value != '01-01-2025'",
    "on_true": "action--7fe08053-3685-4d8c-bc0a-40efce75113e"

SOARCA supports variable interpolation, which means that variables can be used inside the condition property, as seen in the example above.

Similarly, CACAO specifies while-condition steps, whose on_true branch will be repeatedly executed until the condition evaluates to false.

The parallel step allows executing multiple branches (in parallel) specified in the next_steps property. At this time, the steps in next_steps are executed sequentially. Parallel execution is scheduled for a later release in SOARCA.

Next, we explain variables in CACAO and SOARCA.


The CACAO specification allows defining variables on the playbook level, as well as on the step level. Playbook variables are available throughout the playbook. In SOARCA, variables defined on the step level are available in that step, and in any step that executes in a sub-branch of an if-condition, while-condition, or parallel step.

According to the CACAO spec, variable names should start and end with double underscores (__). The CACAO spec allows defining multiple types of variables (strings, ip-addresses, numbers), but at this time SOARCA will interpret every value as a string. The constant and external properties are ignored.

"playbook_variables": {
    "__target_ip__": {
      "type": "ipv4-addr",
      "description": "IP address of target system",
      "constant": false,
      "external": true

SOARCA supports the interpolation of variables in different strings. The specific string-based properties that support interpolation depend on the capability. In general, string interpolation is supported in the properties of agents, targets, authentication information, and command properties.

Variable interpolation happens at the last possible moment, which means that step-dependant variables can be used in agent and target definitions.

Substitution is performed by replacing any occurrence of [variable_name]:value with the string value of that variable. Undefined variables are not replaced.

Action steps

Within CACAO playbooks, action steps can define commands that are executed by an agent against one or more targets. The agent and targets are referenced by ID. SOARCA selects the internal capability for handling the step by looking at the type and name of the agent. After selecting the proper capability, SOARCA will sequentially perform every command in the commands property for every target specified in targets. If any command fails to execute successfully, further execution is halted and the step is considered to have failed.

Action steps may return variables. On the successful execution of an action step, any variables returned are added to the globally available playbook variables. If the out_args property is specified and non-empty, only the variables listed in out_args will be added to the global playbook variables. The in_args property from the CACAO spec is ignored. Any variable defined on the playbook level, in parent-steps and within the step itself are available for interpolation.

In the case an action step ends in a failure, any variables returned from the step are ignored.

The example below shows how to run an ssh command on a single target system:

"action--4b08af84-3741-48ca-8c92-df1557a87379": {
    "name": "Get current time current system",
    "step_variables": {
        "__soarca_ssh_result__": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Output of the ssh command",
            "constant": false,
            "external": false
    "on_completion": "if-condition--4b95eaa4-944a-4a9d-88d4-1374a70dbacd",
    "type": "action",
    "commands": [
            "type": "ssh",
            "description": "Retrieve date",
            "command": "date -I | tr -d \"\\n\""
    "agent": "soarca--664bbe4a-7ad3-462c-baca-53cee8d67594",
    "targets": [
    "out_args": [

Example playbook

This is de JSON data of the playbook used throughout this page.

  "type": "playbook",
  "spec_version": "cacao-2.0",
  "id": "playbook--52f8cd0d-179a-48bf-aa90-32401fe6993c",
  "name": "Example Playbook",
  "description": "Playbook demonstrating SOARCA 1.0 capabilities",
  "playbook_types": [
  "playbook_activities": [
  "created_by": "identity--dd22fb7f-af84-4957-84ed-12deb6c42d5d",
  "created": "2024-03-07T15:16:19.068Z",
  "modified": "2024-03-07T15:16:19.068Z",
  "revoked": false,
  "derived_from": [
  "playbook_variables": {
    "__target_ip__": {
      "type": "ipv4-addr",
      "description": "IP address of target system",
      "constant": false,
      "external": true
    "__openc2_actuator_ip__": {
      "type": "ipv4-addr",
      "description": "IP address of OpenC2 actuator",
      "constant": false,
      "external": true
  "workflow_start": "start--d6c44626-c9b6-426b-ad5d-3311bafaf068",
  "workflow": {
    "start--d6c44626-c9b6-426b-ad5d-3311bafaf068": {
      "on_completion": "action--4b08af84-3741-48ca-8c92-df1557a87379",
      "type": "start"
    "action--4b08af84-3741-48ca-8c92-df1557a87379": {
      "name": "Get current time current system",
      "step_variables": {
        "__soarca_ssh_result__": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Output of the ssh command",
          "constant": false,
          "external": false
      "on_completion": "if-condition--4b95eaa4-944a-4a9d-88d4-1374a70dbacd",
      "type": "action",
      "commands": [
          "type": "ssh",
          "description": "Retrieve date",
          "command": "date -I | tr -d \"\\n\""
      "agent": "soarca--664bbe4a-7ad3-462c-baca-53cee8d67594",
      "targets": [
      "out_args": [
    "if-condition--4b95eaa4-944a-4a9d-88d4-1374a70dbacd": {
      "name": "If it is not new years",
      "description": "Checks if it is 01-01-2025",
      "on_completion": "end--db937fc8-3a42-41cc-b828-ec2db212f425",
      "type": "if-condition",
      "condition": "__soarca_ssh_result__:value != '01-01-2025'",
      "on_true": "action--7fe08053-3685-4d8c-bc0a-40efce75113e"
    "action--7fe08053-3685-4d8c-bc0a-40efce75113e": {
      "name": "Perform an HTTP request",
      "description": "Perform a GET request against",
      "step_variables": {
        "__soarca_http_api_result__": {
          "type": "string",
          "constant": false,
          "external": false
      "on_completion": "while-condition--d865da4e-4f53-4b29-aaba-b8f5711d50ff",
      "type": "action",
      "commands": [
          "type": "http-api",
          "description": "Perform request against",
          "command": "GET /get?newyears=false HTTP/1.1"
      "targets": [
      "out_args": [
    "while-condition--d865da4e-4f53-4b29-aaba-b8f5711d50ff": {
      "name": "While the counter is not 5",
      "description": "Step showing while condition",
      "step_variables": {
        "__soarca_ssh_result__": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Incrementing counter",
          "value": "0",
          "constant": false,
          "external": false
      "on_completion": "action--76fe4c02-6a5d-43ae-8736-433c07ab80b8",
      "type": "while-condition",
      "condition": "__soarca_ssh_result__:value != '5'",
      "on_true": "action--a32cdbb6-403a-47c7-a35b-07430a8de3fd"
    "action--a32cdbb6-403a-47c7-a35b-07430a8de3fd": {
      "name": "Increment the counter",
      "description": "Increment the counter stored in __soarca_ssh_result__",
      "step_variables": {
        "__soarca_ssh_result__": {
          "type": "string",
          "constant": false,
          "external": false
      "on_completion": "end--60fc8d0c-3677-4363-8576-9ea9014f8c8e",
      "type": "action",
      "commands": [
          "type": "ssh",
          "description": "Increment a string counter using python",
          "command": "python -c \"print(__soarca_ssh_result__:value + 1, end='')\""
      "targets": [
      "out_args": [
    "end--60fc8d0c-3677-4363-8576-9ea9014f8c8e": {
      "type": "end"
    "end--db937fc8-3a42-41cc-b828-ec2db212f425": {
      "type": "end"
    "action--76fe4c02-6a5d-43ae-8736-433c07ab80b8": {
      "name": "Send OpenC2 command",
      "description": "Sends a command to an OpenC2 compliant actuator",
      "step_variables": {
        "__soarca_openc2_http_result__": {
          "type": "string",
          "constant": false,
          "external": false
      "on_completion": "end--40f92845-e67a-4f13-b72a-23f189bf0cb6",
      "type": "action",
      "commands": [
          "type": "openc2-http",
          "command": "POST /openc2-api/ HTTP/1.1",
          "headers": {
            "Content-Type": ["application/openc2+json;version=1.0"]
      "targets": [
      "out_args": [
    "end--40f92845-e67a-4f13-b72a-23f189bf0cb6": {
      "type": "end"
  "agent_definitions": {
    "soarca--664bbe4a-7ad3-462c-baca-53cee8d67594": {
      "type": "soarca",
      "name": "soarca-ssh",
      "description": "SOARCA SSH capability"
  "target_definitions": {
    "linux--b49069c2-0b69-4a46-8509-80196c4a9bf8": {
      "type": "linux",
      "name": "Target system",
      "description": "System to execute commands on",
      "address": {
        "ipv4": [
    "http-api--f2ed7db1-54fc-4a3c-ac0c-837dffade754": {
      "type": "http-api",
      "name": "HTTPBin",
      "description": "The testing website",
      "address": {
        "url": [
    "linux--c50901f4-3802-4b8f-9b19-e1e62cc8fac4": {
      "type": "http-api",
      "name": "OpenC2 Actuator",
      "description": "OpenC2 compatiable actuator",
      "address": {
        "ipv4": [