
The design of SOARCA

SOARCA consists of several key components:

  1. SOARCA Core: This is the heart of SOARCA, represented in green.
  2. SOARCA Native Capabilities: These are the functionalities explicitly defined in the Cacao v2 specification and are integral to the core. They are also represented in green.
  3. Fins: These are the extension capabilities, also known as Fins. They enhance the functionality and integration of SOARCA and are depicted in orange. These are not (yet) part of this repository, but may be implemented by partners or TNO in the future.


Core component overview

SOARCA interacts with many components, the following diagram shows the intended setup for SOARCA and its components. Currently, not all parts are fully implemented. Keep track of the release notes to see what’s implemented and what needs some work.

core detailed

Application design

Details of the application architecture for SOARCA

API Description

Descriptions for the SOARCA REST API endpoints

Reporter API Description

Descriptions for the Reporter REST API endpoints


Playbook deconstructor architecture


Design of the SOARCA step executer

Executer Modules

Native executer modules


Database details of SOARCA


Reporting of Playbook worfklow information and steps execution


SOARCA support extensive logging. Logging is based on the logrus framework.