Reporter API Description

Descriptions for the Reporter REST API endpoints

Endpoint description

We will use HTTP status codes

protocol Reporter {
    GET     /reporter
    GET     /reporter/{execution-id}


The reporter endpoint is used to fetch information about ongoing playbook executions in SOARCA

GET /reporter

Get all execution IDs of currently ongoing executions.

Call payload



200/OK with payload:

        "executions": [
            {"execution_id" : "1", "playbook_id" : "a", "started" : "<timestamp>", "..." : "..."}, 


400/BAD REQUEST with payload: General error

GET /reporter/{execution-id}

Get information about ongoing execution

Call payload



Response data model:

type“execution_status”stringThe type of this content
idUUIDstringThe id of the execution
execution_idUUIDstringThe id of the execution
playbook_idUUIDstringThe id of the CACAO playbook executed by the execution
startedtimestampstringThe time at which the execution of the playbook started
endedtimestampstringThe time at which the execution of the playbook ended (if so)
statusexecution-status-enumstringThe current status of the execution
status_textexplanationstringA natural language explanation of the current status or related info
step_resultsstep_resultsdictionaryMap of step-id to related step execution data
request_intervalsecondsintegerSuggests the polling interval for the next request (default suggested is 5 seconds).
Step execution data
step_idUUIDstringThe id of the step being executed
startedtimestampstringThe time at which the execution of the step started
endedtimestampstringThe time at which the execution of the step ended (if so)
statusexecution-status-enumstringThe current status of the execution of this step
status_textexplanationstringA natural language explanation of the current status or related info
executed_byentity-identifierstringThe entity executed the workflow step. This can be an organization, a team, a role, a defence component, etc.
commands_b64list of base64list of stringA list of Base64 encodings of the commands that were invoked during the execution of a workflow step, including any values stemming from variables. These are the actual commands executed.
errorerrorstringError raised along the execution of the step
variablescacao variablesdictionaryMap of cacao variables handled in the step (both in and out) with current values and definitions
automated_executionbooleanstringThis property identifies if the workflow step was executed manually or automatically. It is either true or false.
Execution stataus

Table from Cyentific RNI workflow Status Vocabulary Name: execution-status-enum

Property NameDescription
successfully_executedThe workflow step was executed successfully (completed).
failedThe workflow step failed.
ongoingThe workflow step is in progress.
server_side_errorA server-side error occurred.
client_side_errorA client-side error occurred.
timeout_errorA timeout error occurred. The timeout of a CACAO workflow step is specified in the “timeout” property.
exception_condition_errorA exception condition error ocurred. A CACAO playbook can incorporate an exception condition at the playbook level and, in particular, with the “workflow_exception” property.

If the execution has completed and no further steps need to be executed

200/OK with payload:

        "type" :        "execution-status",
        "id" :          "<execution-id>",
        "execution_id" : "<execution-id>",
        "playbook_id" :  "<playbook-id>",
        "started" :     "<time-string>",
        "ended" :       "<time-string>",
        "status" :      "<status-enum-value>",
        "status_text":  "<status description>",
        "errors" :      ["error1", "..."],
        "step_results" : {
            "<step-id-1>" : {
                "execution_id": "<execution-id>",
                "step_id" :     "<step-id>",
                "started" :     "<time-string>",
                "ended" :       "<time-string>",
                "status" :      "<status-enum-value>",
                "status_text":  "<status description>",
                "errors" :      ["error1", "..."],
                "variables":    {
                    "<variable-name-1>" : {
                        "type":         "<type>",
                        "name":         "<variable-name>",
                        "description":  "<description>",
                        "value":        "<value>",
                        "constant":     "<true/false>",
                        "external":     "<true/false>"
        "request_interval" : "<n-seconds>"

The payload will include all information that the finished execution has created.

If the execution is still ongoing:

206/Partial Content
with payload equal to the 200 response, but impliclty not including all information from the execution, since the execution is still ongoing.

The step results object will list the steps that have been executed until the report request, and those that are being executed at the moment of the report request.

The "request_interval" suggests the polling interval for the next request (default suggested is 5 seconds).

#### Error
400/BAD REQUEST with payload:
General error

No execution with the specified ID was found.