
Design of the SOARCA step executer


The executor consists of the following components.

  • Action executor
  • Playbook action executor
  • if-condition executor
  • while-condition executor
  • parallel executor

The decomposer interacts with every executor type. They all have separate interfaces to handle new step types in the future without changing the current interfaces.

package action{
    interface IExecutor {
        ..., err Execute(...)

package playbookaction{
    interface IExecutor {
        ..., err Execute(...)

package ifcondition{
    interface IExecutor {
        ..., err Execute(...)

package whilecondition{
    interface IExecutor {
        ..., err Execute(...)

package parallel{
    interface IExecutor {
        ..., err Execute(...)

interface ICapability{
    variables, error Execute(Metadata, command, variable[], target, agent)
    string GetModuleName()

class "Decomposer" as decomposer
class "Action Executor" as Executor 
class "Playbook Executor" as playbook
class "Parallel Executor" as parallelexecutor
class "While Executor" as while
class "If condition Executor" as condition

class "Ssh" as ssh
class "OpenC2" as openc2
class "HttpApi" as api
class "Manual" as manual
class "CalderaCmd" as caldera
class "Fin" as fin

action.IExecutor <|.. Executor
ICapability <-up- Executor
ICapability <|.. ssh
ICapability <|.. openc2
ICapability <|.. api
ICapability <|.. manual
ICapability <|.. caldera 
ICapability <|.. fin

playbookaction.IExecutor <|.. playbook
ifcondition.IExecutor <|.. condition
whilecondition.IExecutor <|.. while
parallel.IExecutor <|.. parallelexecutor

decomposer -down-> playbookaction.IExecutor
decomposer -down-> ifcondition.IExecutor
decomposer -down-> whilecondition.IExecutor
decomposer -down-> parallel.IExecutor
decomposer -down-> action.IExecutor

Action executor

The action executor consist of the following components

  • The capability selector
  • Native capabilities (command executors)
  • MQTT capability to interact with: Fin capabilities (third-party executors)

The capability selector will select the implementation which is capable of executing the incoming command. There are native capabilities based on the CACAO command-type-ov:

  • Currently implemented
    • ssh
    • http-api
    • openc2-http
    • powershell
    • manual
  • Coming soon
    • bash
    • elastic
    • caldera-cmd
  • Future (potentially)
    • jupyter
    • kestrel
    • sigma
    • yara

Native capabilities

The executor will select a module that is capable of executing the command and pass the details to it. The capability selection is performed based on the agent type (see Agent and Target Common Properties in the CACAO 2.0 spec). The convention is that the agent type must equal soarca-<capability identifier>, e.g. soarca-ssh or soarca-openc2-http.

The result of the step execution will be returned to the decomposer. A result can be either output variables or error status.

MQTT executor -> Fin capabilities

The Executor will put the command on the MQTT topic that is offered by the module. How a module handles this is described in the module documentation and in the fin documentation.

Component overview

package "Controller" {
component Decomposer as parser

package "Executor" {
    component SSH as exe2
    component "HTTP-API" as exe1
    component MQTT as exe3

package "Fins" {
    component "VirusTotal" as virustotal
    component "E-mail Sender" as email

parser -- Executor
exe3 -- Fins : " MQTT topics"


Example execution for SSH commands with SOARCA native capability.


participant Decomposer as decomposer
participant "Capability selector" as selector
participant "SSH executor" as ssh

decomposer -> selector : Execute(...)
alt capability in SOARCA
    selector -> ssh : execute ssh command
    ssh -> ssh : 
    selector <-- ssh : results
    decomposer <-- selector : OnCompletionCallback
else capability not available 
    decomposer <-- selector : Execution failure
    note right: No capability can handle command \nor capability crashed etc..

Playbook action executor

The playbook executor handles execution of playbook action steps. The variables from the top level playbook are injected into the be executed playbook. It could happen that in the downstream playbook the variables collide with the top level playbook. In this case the top level playbook variables are NOT transferred to the downstream playbook. Agents and Targets cannot be transferred between playbooks at this time. Playbooks are only loaded in the executor and then a new Decomposer is created to execute the playbook.

The result of the step execution will be returned to the decomposer. A result can be either output variables or error status.

package playbookaction{
    interface IExecutor {
        Variables, err Execute(meta, step, variables)
class "Decomposer" as decomposer
class "Action Executor" as exe 
interface "IPlaybookController" as controller
interface "IDatabaseController" as database
playbookaction.IExecutor <|.. exe
decomposer -> playbookaction.IExecutor
exe -> controller
database <- exe

If-condition and While-condition executor

The (if-)condition executor will evaluate a CACAO condition property both for the if-condition step, and in the while-condition step.

The result of the condition evaluation comparison will be returned to the decomposer. The result will determine the ID of the next step that should be executed, and/or error status.

Parallel step executor

The parallel executor will execute the parallel step. This will be done in sequence to simplify implementation. As parallel steps must not depend on each other, sequential execution is possible. Later this will be changed.