
SOARCA support extensive logging. Logging is based on the logrus framework.

SOARCA supports extensive logging. Logging is based on the logrus framework.


Logging can be done in different formats suitable for your application. The following formats are available:

  • JSON default
  • Plain text


  • std::out default (terminal)
  • To file (to log file path)



Log levels

SOARCA supports the following log levels. Also is indicated how they are used.

  • PANIC (non fixable error system crash)
  • FATAL (non fixable error, restart would fix)
  • ERROR (operation went wrong but can be caught by other higher component)
  • WARNING (let the user know some operation might not have the expected result but execution can continue on normal path)
  • INFO default (let the user know that a major event has occurred)
  • DEBUG (add some extra detail to normal execution paths)
  • TRACE (get some fine grained detail from the logging)

Types of logging

SOARCA will log different information, these will be combined in the same output.

Runtime logging

Runtime logging wil include the running state of SOARCA, errors encountered when registering modules etc.

Security event logging

Will log the status of the execution of an playbook, database updates of playbooks

Using the logger (developer)

To use SOARCA logging you can add the following to your module.

type YourModule struct {

var component = reflect.TypeOf(YourModule{}).PkgPath()
var log *logger.Log

func init() {
	log = logger.Logger(component, logger.Info, "", logger.Json)

Changing log level

To change logging for your SOARCA instance you can use the following environment variables

LOG_GLOBAL_LEVEL[Log levels]One of the specified log levels. Defaults to info
LOG_MODEdevelopment | productionIf production is chosen the LOG_GLOBAL_LEVEL is used for all modules defaults to production
LOG_FILE_PATHfilepathPath to the logfile you want to use for all logging. Defaults to "" (empty string)
LOG_FORMATtext | jsonThe logging can be in plain text format or in JSON format. Defaults to json

This can be set as environment variables or loaded through the .env

LOG_MODE: "production"
LOG_FORMAT: "json"