Application design
Design decisions and core dependencies
To allow for fast execution and type-safe development SOARCA is developed in go
. The application application can be deployed in Docker
. Further dependencies are MQTT
for the module system and go-gin
for the REST API.
The overview on this page is aimed to guide you through the SOARCA architecture and components as well as the main flow.
Components of SOARCA are displayed in the component diagram.
- Green is implemented
- Orange has limited functionality
- Red is not started but will be added in future releases
set separator ::
protocol /playbook #lightgreen
protocol /trigger #lightgreen
protocol /status #lightgreen
protocol /reporter #lightgreen
protocol /manual #lightgreen
protocol /step #red
protocol /trusted/variables #red
class reporter::cache #orange
class core::decomposer #lightgreen
class core::executor #lightgreen
class interaction::interaction #lightgreen
class internal::controller #lightgreen
class internal::database #lightgreen
class internal::logger #lightgreen
class api::playbook #lightgreen
class api::trigger #lightgreen
class core::capability::manual #lightgreen
class core::capability::http #lightgreen
class core::capability::ssh #lightgreen
class core::capability::openC2 #lightgreen
class core::capability::fin #lightgreen
class core::capability::powershell #lightgreen
class api::status #lightgreen
class api::reporter #lightgreen
class api::manual #lightgreen
class api::step #red
class api::variables #red
"/step" *-- api::step
"/playbook" *-- api::playbook
"/trigger" *-- api::trigger
"/status" *-- api::status
"/reporter" *-- api::reporter
"/manual" *-- api::manual
"/trusted/variables" *-- api::variables
api *-down- internal::controller
internal::controller -* database
logger *- internal::controller
internal::controller -down-* core
api::reporter -down-> reporter::cache
reporter::cache <-- core::decomposer
reporter::cache <-- core::executor
api::playbook --> internal::database
api::trigger --> core::decomposer
api::trigger --> internal::database
api::manual --> interaction::interaction
core::decomposer -down-> core::executor
core::executor --> core::capability::openC2
core::executor --> core::capability::fin
core::executor --> core::capability::http
core::executor --> core::capability::ssh
core::executor --> core::capability::powershell
core::executor --> core::capability::manual
interaction::interaction <-- core::capability::manual
This diagram consists of the class structure used by SOARCA
interface IPlaybook
interface IStatus
interface ITrigger
Interface IPlaybookDatabase
Interface IDatabase
Interface ICapability
Interface IDecomposer
Interface IExecuter
class Controller
class Decomposer
class PlaybookDatabase
class Status
class Mongo
class Capability
Class Executer
IPlaybook <|.. Playbook
ITrigger <|.. Trigger
IStatus <|.. Status
ICapability <|.. Capability
IExecuter <|.. Executer
Trigger -> IPlaybookDatabase
IPlaybookDatabase <- Playbook
IPlaybookDatabase <|.. PlaybookDatabase
IDatabase <-up- PlaybookDatabase
IDatabase <|.. Mongo
IDecomposer <- Trigger
IDecomposer <|.. Decomposer
IExecuter <- Decomposer
ICapability <- Executer
The SOARCA controller will create all classes needed by SOARCA. The controller glues the api and decomposer together. Each run will instantiate a new decomposer.
interface IPlaybook{
void Get()
void Get(PlaybookId id)
void Add(Playbook playbook)
void Update(Playbook playbook)
void Remove(Playbook playbook)
interface IStatus{
interface ITrigger{
void TriggerById(PlaybookId id)
void Trigger(Playbook playbook)
Interface IPlaybookDatabase
Interface IDecomposer
Interface IExecuter
class Trigger
class Controller
class Decomposer
IPlaybook <|.. Playbook
ITrigger <|.. Trigger
IStatus <|.. Status
Trigger -> IPlaybookDatabase
IPlaybookDatabase <- Playbook
IPlaybookDatabase <|.. PlaybookDatabase
IDecomposer <- Trigger
IDecomposer <|.. Decomposer
IExecuter -> Decomposer
Main application flow
These sequences will show a simplified overview of how the SOARCA components interact.
The main flow of the application is the following. Execution will start by processing the JSON formatted CACAO playbook if successful the playbook is handed over to the Decomposer. This is where the playbook is decomposed into its parts and passed step by step to the executor. These operations will block the API until execution is finished. For now, no variables are exposed via the API to the caller.
Actor Caller
Caller -> Api
Api -> Trigger : /trigger
Trigger -> Decomposer : Trigger playbook as ad-hoc execution
loop for each step
Decomposer -> Executor : Send step to executor
Executor -> Executor : select capability (ssh selected)
Executor -> Ssh : Command
Executor <-- Ssh : return
Decomposer <-- Executor
else execution failure (break loop)
Executor <-- Ssh : error
Decomposer <-- Executor: error
Decomposer -> Decomposer : stop execution
Trigger <-- Decomposer : execution details
Api <-- Trigger : execution details
Caller <-- Api
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