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Getting Started

Getting SOARCA quickly setup


    Before you begin, you might need to install the following tools (Linux Ubuntu 22.04 adapt for your needs):

    • golang
    • go gin go get -u
    • swaggo go install
    • cyclonedx-gomod go install
    • make sudo apt install build-essential
    • docker & docker compose

    Quick Run

    Below, we outline various options to kickstart SOARCA. The latest pre-compiled releases can be found here.

    make build && ./build/soarca
    wget  && tar -xvf SOARCA* && ./SOARCA
    cd docker/soarca && sudo docker compose up -d

    Compiled binary files can be found under /bin.

    Playbook execution

    You can use the following commands to execute the example playbooks via the terminal while SOARCA is running assuming on localhost. Alternatively you can go to http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html and use the trigger/playbook endpoint.

    Example playbooks:

    # make sure an ssh server is running on adres
    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @./example/ssh-playbook.json localhost:8080/trigger/playbook
    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @./example/http-playbook.json localhost:8080/trigger/playbook
    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @./example/openc2-playbook.json localhost:8080/trigger/playbook


    SOARCA reads its configuration from the environment variables or a .env file. An example of a .env is given below:

    PORT: 8080
    MONGODB_URI: "mongodb://localhost:27017"
    DATABASE_NAME: "soarca"
    DB_USERNAME: "root"
    DB_PASSWORD: "rootpassword"
    DATABASE: "false"
    LOG_GLOBAL_LEVEL: "info"
    LOG_MODE: "development"
    LOG_FORMAT: "json"
    ENABLE_FINS: false
    MQTT_BROKER: "localhost"
    MQTT_PORT: 1883

    Docker hub

    docker pull cossas/soarca

    Building from Source

    git clone
    make build
    cp .env.example .env

    Configuring SOARCA

    PORTportSet the exposed port of SOARCA the default is 8080
    DATABASEtrue | falseSet if you want to run with external database default is false
    MONGODB_URIuriSet the Mongo DB uri default is mongodb://localhost:27017
    DATABASE_NAMEnameSet the Mongo DB database name when using docker default is soarca
    DB_USERNAMEuserSet the Mongo DB database user when using docker default is root
    DB_PASSWORDpasswordSet the Mongo DB database users password when using docker default is rootpassword. IT IS RECOMMENDED TO CHANGE THIS IN PRODUCTION!
    MAX_REPORTERSnumberSet the maximum number of downstream reporters default is 5
    LOG_GLOBAL_LEVEL[Log levels]One of the specified log levels. Defaults to info
    LOG_MODEdevelopment | productionIf production is chosen the LOG_GLOBAL_LEVEL is used for all modules defaults to production
    LOG_FILE_PATHfilepathPath to the logfile you want to use for all logging. Defaults to "" (empty string)
    LOG_FORMATtext | jsonThe logging can be in plain text format or in JSON format. Defaults to json
    MQTT_BROKERdns name or ipThe broker address for SOARCA to connect to, for communication with fins default is localhost
    MQTT_PORTportThe broker address for SOARCA to connect to, for communication with fins default is 1883
    ENABLE_FINStrue | falseEnable fins in SOARCA defaults to false
    VALIDATION_SCHEMA_URLurlSet a custom validation schema to be used to validate playbooks defaul is "" to use internal. NOTE: changing this heavily impacts performance.