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Extensions & Capabilities

Extending SOARCA is done by developing a SOARCA-Fin.

SOARCA features a set of native capabilities. The HTTP, OpenC2 HTTP, and SSH transport mechanisms are supported by the first release of SOARCA. SOARCA’s capabilities can be extended with custom implementations, which is further discussed on this page.

Extending the native capabilities

The native capabilities supported by SOARCA can be extended through a mechanism we named Fins. Your capability can be integrated with SOARCA by implementing the Fin protocol. This protocol regulates communication between SOARCA and the extension capabilities over an MQTT bus.

MQTT is a lightweight messaging protocol with libraries written in various programming languages. To integrate with SOARCA, you can write your own implementation of the Fin protocol, or use our python or golang libraries for easier integration.

Fin protocol

The underlying protocol for the SOARCA fins can be found here.

1 - Fin Python Library

Documentation of the Python Fin library

For the documentation about the Fin protocol we refer to documention page of SOARCA Fin Protocol.

Quick Start

To include the SOARCA Fin library, you can use the following command to install it via pip:

pip install soarca-fin-library


An example on how to use the library is given below. For more examples and the source code, we will refer to the Github page of the SOARCA-Fin-python-library, where we provide /examples folder.

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv

from soarca_fin_python_library.soarca_fin import SoarcaFin
from soarca_fin_python_library.models.agent_structure import AgentStructure
from soarca_fin_python_library.models.external_reference import ExternalReference
from soarca_fin_python_library.models.step_structure import StepStructure
from soarca_fin_python_library.models.capability_structure import CapabilityStructure
from soarca_fin_python_library.enums.workflow_step_enum import WorkFlowStepEnum
from soarca_fin_python_library.models.command import Command
from soarca_fin_python_library.models.result_structure import ResultStructure

from soarca_fin_python_library.models.variable import Variable
from soarca_fin_python_library.enums.variable_type_enum import VariableTypeEnum

def capability_pong_callback(command: Command) -> ResultStructure:
    print("Received ping, returning pong!")

    result = Variable(
        description="If ping, return pong",

    context = command.command.context

    return ResultStructure(
        state="success", context=context, variables={"result": result})

def main(mqtt_broker: str, mqtt_port: int, username: str, password: str) -> None:

    finId = "soarca-fin--pingpong-f877bb3a-bb37-429e-8ece-2d4286cf326d"
    agentName = "soarca-fin-pong-f896bb3b-bb37-429e-8ece-2d4286cf326d"
    externalReferenceName = "external-reference-example-name"
    capabilityId = "mod-pong--e896aa3b-bb37-429e-8ece-2d4286cf326d"

    # Create AgentStructure
    agent = AgentStructure(

    # Create ExternalReference
    external_reference = ExternalReference(name=externalReferenceName)

    # Create StepStructure
    step_structure = StepStructure(
        description="step description",

    # Create CapabilityStructure
    capability_structure = CapabilityStructure(
        name="Ping Pong capability",
            "test": step_structure},
            "testagent": agent})

    # Create Soarca fin
    fin = SoarcaFin(finId)
    # Set config for MQTT Server
    fin.set_config_MQTT_server(mqtt_broker, mqtt_port, username, password)
    # Register Capabilities
    fin.create_fin_capability(capability_structure, capability_pong_callback)
    # Start the fin

if __name__ == "__main__":
    MQTT_BROKER = os.getenv("MQTT_BROKER", "localhost")
    MQTT_PORT = int(os.getenv("MQTT_PORT", "1883"))
    USERNAME = os.getenv("MQTT_USERNAME", "soarca")
    PASSWD = os.getenv("MQTT_PASSWD", "password")


Below we have provided an example env file. Note that this changes according to your setup.

MQTT_BROKER = "localhost"
MQTT_PORT = "1883"
MQTT_USERNAME = "soarca"
MQTT_PASSWD = "password"

Env file can be exported by running:

export $(cat .env | grep -v "#" | xargs)


The main object of the application is the SoarcaFin object, which is responsible for configuring and creating and controlling the capabilities. The SoarcaFin creates MQTTClients for each capability registered, plus one for registering, unregistering and controlling the fi itself. MQTTClients each have their own connection to the MQTT Broker and own Parser and Executor objects. The Parser object parsers the raw MQTT messages and tries to convert them to one of the objects in src/models. The Executor runs in their own thread and handles the actual execution of the messages. The Executor polls a thread-safe queue for new messages and performs IO operations, such as sending messages to the MQTT broker and calling capability callbacks.

Setup SOARCA Capabilities

To register a fin to SOARCA, first create a SoarcaFin object and pass the fin_id in the constructor. The SOARCA fin_id must be in the format of: sourca-fin-<capability>-<uuid4>. Call set_config_MQTT_server() to set the required configurations for the fin to connect to the MQTT broker. For each capability to be registered, call create_fin_capability(). The capability callback funtion should return an object of type ResultStructure. When all capabilities are initialized, call start_fin() for the SOARCA Fin to connect to the MQTT broker and register itself to SOARCA.

An example is given in this project in the file [examples/]

Class Overview

interface IParser {
 Message parse_on_message()

interface IMQTTClient {
 void on_connect()
 void on_message()

interface ISoarcaFin {
 void set_config_MQTTServer()
 void set_fin_capabilities()
 void start_fin()

interface IExecutor {
 void queue_message()

class SoarcaFin
class MQTTClient
class Parser
class Executor

ISoarcaFin <|.. SoarcaFin
IMQTTClient <|.. MQTTClient
IParser <|.. Parser
IExecutor <|.. Executor

IMQTTClient <- SoarcaFin
MQTTClient -> IExecutor
IParser <-MQTTClient

Sequence Diagrams


Soarca -> "MQTTClient (Capability 1)" : Command Message [Capability ID Topic]

"MQTTClient (Capability 1)" -> Parser : parse_on_message(message)
"MQTTClient (Capability 1)" <-- Parser : Message.Command

"MQTTClient (Capability 1)" -> "Executor (Capability 1)" : Command message
Soarca <-- "Executor (Capability 1)" : Ack

"Executor (Capability 1)" -> "Capability Callback" : Command
"Executor (Capability 1)" <-- "Capability Callback" : Result

Soarca <- "Executor (Capability 1)" : Result
Soarca --> "MQTTClient (Capability 1)" : Ack

"MQTTClient (Capability 1)" -> Parser : parse_on_message(message)
"MQTTClient (Capability 1)" <-- Parser : Message.Ack

"MQTTClient (Capability 1)" -> "Executor (Capability 1)" : Ack message


Soarca -> Soarca : Create Soarca Topic

Library -> SoarcaFin : Set MQTT Server config

Library -> SoarcaFin : Set Capability1
SoarcaFin -> "MQTTClient (Capability 1)" : Create capability

Library -> SoarcaFin : Set Capability2
SoarcaFin -> "MQTTClient (Capability 2)" : Create capability

Library -> SoarcaFin : Start Fin

SoarcaFin -> "MQTTClient (Capability 1)" : Start capability
"MQTTClient (Capability 1)" -> "MQTTClient (Capability 1)" : Register Capability Topic
SoarcaFin -> "MQTTClient (Capability 2)" : Start capability
"MQTTClient (Capability 2)" -> "MQTTClient (Capability 2)" : Register Capability Topic

SoarcaFin -> "MQTTClient (Fin)" : Register Fin
"MQTTClient (Fin)" -> "MQTTClient (Fin)" : Register SoarcaFin Topic

"MQTTClient (Fin)" -> "Executor (Fin)" : Send Register Message

Soarca <- "Executor (Fin)" : Message.Register [Soarca Topic]

Soarca --> "MQTTClient (Fin)" :  Message.Ack [Fin ID Topic]

"MQTTClient (Fin)" -> "Parser (Fin)" : parse_on_message(ack)
"MQTTClient (Fin)" <-- "Parser (Fin)" : Message.Ack

"MQTTClient (Fin)" -> "Executor (Fin)" : Message.Ack

Bugs or Contributing

Want to contribute to this project? It is possible to contribute here. Have you found a bug or want to request a feature? Please create an issue here.

2 - Fin protocol

Specification of the SOARCA Fin protocol


The goal of the protocol is to provide a simple and robust way to communicate between the SOARCA orchestrator and the capabilities (Fins) that can provide extra functions.


To allow for dynamic communication MQTT is used to provide the backbone for the fin communication. SOARCA can be configured using the environment to use MQTT or just run stand-alone.

The Fin will use the protocol to register itself to SOARCA via the register message. Once register, it will communicate over the channel new channel designated by the fin UUID.

Commands to a specific capability will be communicated of the capability UUID channel.


Messages defined in the protocol

  • ack
  • nack
  • register
  • unregister
  • command
  • pause
  • resume
  • stop


|field |content |type |description |field name have the (optional) key if the field is not required |content indication |type of the value could be string, int etc. |A description for the field to provide extra information and context


The ack message is used to acknowledge messages.

typeackstringThe ack message type
message_idUUIDstringmessage id that the ack is referring to
    "type": "ack",
    "message_id": "uuid"


The nack message is used to non acknowledgements, message was unimplemented or unsuccessful.

typenackstringThe ack message type
message_idUUIDstringmessage id that the nack is referring to
    "type": "nack",
    "message_id": "uuid"


The message is used to register a fin to SOARCA. It has the following payload.

typeregisterstringThe register message type
message_idUUIDstringMessage UUID
fin_idUUIDstringFin uuid separate form the capability id
NameNamestringFin name
protocol_versionversionstringVersion information of the protocol in semantic version schema e.g. 1.2.4-beta
securitysecurity informationSecuritySecurity information for protocol see security structure
capabilitieslist of capability structurelist of capability structureCapability structure information for protocol see security structure
metameta dictMetaMeta information for the fin protocol structure

capability structure

capability_idUUIDstringCapability id to identify the unique capability a fin can have multiple
typeactionworkflow-step-type-enumMost common is action
namenamestringcapability name
versionversionstringVersion information of the Fin implementation used in semantic version schema e.g. 1.2.4-beta
stepstep structurestep structureStep to specify an example for the step so it can be queried in the SOARCA API
agentagent structureagent structureAgent to specify the agent definition to match in playbooks for SOARCA

step structure

typeactionstringAction type
namenamestringmessage id
descriptiondescriptionstringDescription of the step
external_referenceslist of external referenceReferences to external recourses to further enhance the step also see CACAO V2 10.9.
commandcommandstringCommand to execute
targetUUIDstringTarget UUID cto execute command against

agent structure

typesoarca-finstringSOARCA Fin type, a custom type used to specify Fins
namenamestringSOARCA Fin name in the following form: soarca-fin-<name>-<uuid>, this grantees the fin is unique
    "type": "register",
    "message_id": "uuid",
    "fin_id" : "uuid",
    "name": "Fin name",
    "protocol_version": "<semantic-version>",
    "security": {
        "version": "0.0.0",
        "channel_security": "plaintext"
    "capabilities": [
            "capability_id": "uuid",
            "name": "ssh executer",
            "version": "0.1.0", 
            "step": { 
                "type": "action",
                "name": "<step_name>",
                "description": "<description>",
                "external_references": { 
                    "name": "<reference name>",
                    "...": "..."
                "command": "<command string example>",
                "target": "<target uuid>"
            "agent" : {
                "soarca-fin--<uuid>": {
                    "type": "soarca-fin",
                    "name": "soarca-fin--<name>-<capability_uuid>"

    "meta": {

        "timestamp": "string: <utc-timestamp-nanoes + timezone-offset>",
        "sender_id": "uuid"


The message is used to unregister a fin to SOARCA. It has the following payload.

typeunregisterstringUnregister message type
message_idUUIDstringMessage UUID
capability_idUUIDstringCapability id or null (either capability_id != null, fin_id != null or all == true need to be set)
fin_idUUIDstringFin id or null (either capability_id != null, fin_id != null or all == true need to be set)
allboolboolTrue to address all fins to unregister otherwise false (either capability_id != null, fin_id != null or all == true need to be set)
    "type": "unregister",
    "message_id": "uuid",
    "capability_id" : "capability uuid",
    "fin_id" : "fin uuid",
    "all" : "true | false"


The message is used to send a command from SOARCA. It has the following payload.

typecommandstringCommand message type
message_idUUIDstringMessage UUID
commandcommandcommand substructurecommand structure
metameta dictMetaMeta information for the fin protocol structure

command substructure

commandcommandstringThe command to be executed
authentication (optional)authentication informationauthentication informationCACAO authentication information
contextcacao contextContextContext form the playbook
variablesdict of variablesdict of VariablesFrom the playbook
    "type": "command",
    "message_id": "uuid",
    "command": {
        "command": "command",
        "authentication": {"auth-uuid": "<cacao authentication struct"},
        "context": {
            "generated_on": "string: <utc-timestamp-nanoes + timezone-offset>",
            "timeout": "string: <utc-timestamp-nanoes + timezone-offset>",
            "step_id": "uuid",
            "playbook_id": "uuid",
            "execution_id": "uuid"
        "variables": {
            "__<var1>__": {
                "type": "<cacao.variable-type-ov>",
                "name": "__<var1>__",
                "description": "<string>",
                "value": "<string>",
                "constant": "<bool>",
                "external": "<bool>"
            "__<var2>__": {
                "type": "<cacao.variable-type-ov>",
                "name": "__<var2>__",
                "description": "<string>",
                "value": "<string>",
                "constant": "<bool>",
                "external": "<bool>"
    "meta": {
        "timestamp": "string: <utc-timestamp-nanoes + timezone-offset>",
        "sender_id": "uuid"


The message is used to send a response from the Fin to SOARCA. It has the following payload.

typeresultstringUnregister message type
message_idUUIDstringMessage UUID
resultresult structureresult structureThe result of the execution
metameta dictMetaMeta information for the fin protocol structure

result structure

statesucces or failurestringThe execution state of the playbook
contextcacao contextContextContext form the playbook
variablesdict of variablesdict of variablesDictionary of CACAO compatible variables
    "type": "result",
    "message_id": "uuid",
    "result": {
        "state": "enum(success | failure)",
        "context": {
            "generated_on": "string: <utc-timestamp-nanoes + timezone-offset>",
            "timeout": "string: <utc-timestamp-nanoes + timezone-offset>",
            "step_id": "uuid",
            "playbook_id": "uuid",
            "execution_id": "uuid"
        "variables": {
            "__<var1>__": {
                "type": "<cacao.variable-type-ov>",
                "name": "__<var1>__",
                "description": "<string>",
                "value": "<string>",
                "constant": "<bool>",
                "external": "<bool>"
            "__<var2>__": {
                "type": "<cacao.variable-type-ov>",
                "name": "__<var2>__",
                "description": "<string>",
                "value": "<string>",
                "constant": "<bool>",
                "external": "<bool>"
    "meta": {
        "timestamp": "string: <utc-timestamp-nanoes + timezone-offset>",
        "sender_id": "uuid"


typepause or resume or stop or progressstringMessage type
message_idUUIDstringmessage uuid
capability_idUUIDstringCapability uuid to control


The message is used to halt the further execution of the Fin. The following command will be responded to with a nack, unless it is resumed or stopped.

    "type": "pause",
    "message_id" : "uuid",
    "capability_id": "uuid"


The message is used to resume a paused Fin, the response will be an ack if ok or a nack when the Fin could not be resumed.

    "type": "resume",
    "message_id" : "uuid",
    "capability_id": "uuid"


The message is used to shut down the Fin. this will be responded to by ack, after that there will follow an unregister.

    "type": "stop",
    "message_id" : "uuid",
    "capability_id": "uuid"


Ask for the progress of the execution of the

    "type": "progress",
    "message_id" : "uuid",
    "capability_id": "uuid"

Status response

typestatusstringMessage type
message_idUUIDstringmessage uuid
capability_idUUIDstringCapability uuid to control
progressready, working, paused, stoppedstringProgress of the execution or state it’s in.

Report the progress of the execution of the capability

    "type": "status",
    "message_id" : "uuid",
    "capability_id": "uuid",
    "progress": "<execution status>"


These contain command parts that are used in different messages.


versionversionstringVersion information of the protocol in semantic version schema e.g. 1.2.4-beta
channel_securityplaintextstringSecurity mechanism used for encrypting the channel and topic, plaintext is only supported at this time
    "security": {
        "version": "0.0.0",
        "channel_security": "plaintext"


Variables information structure

typevariable typevariable-type-ovThe cacao variable type see CACAO V2 chapter 10.18, 10.18.4 Variable Type Vocabulary
namenamestringName of the variable this must be the same as the key on the map
descriptiondescriptionstringDescription of the variable
valuevaluestringValue of the variable
constanttrue or falseboolwhether it is constant
externaltrue or falseboolwhether it is external to the playbook
    "__<var1>__": {
        "type": "<cacao.variable-type-ov>",
        "name": "<string>",
        "description": "<string>",
        "value": "<string>",
        "constant": "<bool>",
        "external": "<bool>"


CACAO playbook context information structure

completed_on (optional)timestampstring<utc-timestamp-nanoes + timezone-offset>
generated_on (optional)timestampstring<utc-timestamp-nanoes + timezone-offset>
timeout (optional)durationstring<utc-timestamp-nanoes + timezone-offset>
step_idUUIDstringStep uuid that is referred to
playbook_idUUIDstringPlaybook uuid that is referred to
execution_idUUIDstringSOARCA execution uuid
    "context": {
        "completed_on": "string: <utc-timestamp-nanoes + timezone-offset>",
        "generated_on": "string: <utc-timestamp-nanoes + timezone-offset>",
        "timeout": "string: <utc-timestamp-nanoes + timezone-offset>",
        "step_id": "uuid",
        "playbook_id": "uuid",
        "execution_id": "uuid"


Meta information for the fin protocol structure

timestamptimestampstring<utc-timestamp-nanoes + timezone-offset>
sender_idUUIDstringStep uuid that is referred to
    "meta": {
        "timestamp": "string: <utc-timestamp-nanoes + timezone-offset>",
        "sender_id": "uuid"


Registering a capability


participant "SOARCA" as soarca
participant Capability as fin

soarca -> soarca : create [soarca] topic

fin -> fin : create [fin UUID] topic
soarca <- fin : [soarca] register
soarca --> fin : [fin UUID] ack 


Sending command


participant "SOARCA" as soarca
participant Capability as fin

soarca -> fin : [capability UUID] command
soarca <-- fin : [capability UUID] ack 

.... processing .... 

soarca <- fin : [capability UUID] result
soarca --> fin: ack


Unregistering a capability


participant "SOARCA" as soarca
participant Capability as fin
participant "Second capability" as fin2

... SOARCA initiate unregistering one fin ...

soarca -> fin : [SOARCA] unregister fin-id
soarca <-- fin : [SOARCA] ack 
note right fin2
    This capability does not respond to this message
end note

... Fin initiate unregistering ...

soarca <- fin : [SOARCA] unregister fin-id
soarca --> fin : [SOARCA] ack 
note right fin2
    This capability does not respond to this message
end note

... SOARCA unregister all ...

soarca -> fin : [SOARCA] unregister all == true
soarca <-- fin : [SOARCA] ack 
soarca <-- fin2 : [SOARCA] ack
note over soarca, fin2
    soarca will go down after this command
end note



participant "SOARCA" as soarca
participant Capability as fin

soarca -> fin : [fin UUID] control message
soarca <-- fin : [fin UUID] status 


3 - Native capabilities

Capabilities and transport mechanisms baked right into SOARCA

This page contains a list of capabilities that are natively implemented in SOARCA see details here. For MQTT-message-based capabilities, check here.

OpenC2 capability

The OpenC2 HTTP capability uses the http(s) transport layer as specified in OpenC2 HTTPS. It allows executing actions on an OpenC2-compatible security actuator.

CACAO documentation: OpenC2 HTTP Command

HTTP API capability

The HTTP capability allows sending arbitrary HTTP requests to other servers.

CACAO documentation: HTTP API Command

SSH capability

The SSH capability allows executing commands on systems running an SSH-server.

CACAO documentation: SSH Command